• Sharing joy of building !


  • January 11th, 2025 - Two new building instructions

    I have added two more building instructions for formula 1 built out of set 31148 and upgraded dachshund from set 31137.

  • January 2nd, 2025 - Happy New Year 2025 with new building instructions!

    I've finally uploaded building instructions for all remaining models that I built in 2024: tulip and winter scene built out of set 31113, hot dog from set 31150, scary turtle from set 71426, planes from sets 42137 and 42169 and car built out of set 42179. I admit that recently I don't update buildinst as often as I wish and it will get even worse. I became father in last November so I will have to sacrifice part of my "LEGO time" to taking care of my new-born son... Anyway, have fun and enjoy building out of LEGO bricks in new year 2025!

  • March 24, 2024 - The first batch of building instructions for this year

    I am back with 9 new building instructions. I've added five instructions for alternative models built out of set 31113 (helicopter, plane, race car, steam engine and battleship), two for models from set 31148 (roadster and scooter), bird from set 31149 and biplane build out of set 42167. Recently I was busy with vacations and moving to new flat so hopefully I will have more time for LEGO now.

  • December 11, 2023 - Porkonus is coming to save you from boogeymen and hunger

    Let me give you an early Christmas present - free building instructions for my winning Porkonus built out of set 76414. It is my biggest and most complex animal model that I built from scratch so far. And it is not all what you've got in this update. You can also download building instructions for formula 1 race car built out of set 40650 and crocodile from set 31113.

  • September 17, 2023 - C.rex is back!

    C.rex ran away from poultry farm again and stepped on electric car full of tourists during their evening tour... You don't know what I'm talking about, do you? So look at my latest alternative model built out of set 76956. Besides it I also added building instructions for space shuttle built out of set 31140, chicken and Moby Dick from set 31133 and golden fish from set 76191.